Questionnaire survey to material issues of ESG report in ECOVE

  • Dear Stakeholder:
  • With the purpose of having all of our stakeholders reach a further understanding sustainable operation and management of ECOVE Environment Corporation, we have issued ESG report every year. In order to communicate effectively with our stakeholders and have a clear view of the ESG issues that may be important to them or draw their attentions, we have created a survey questionnaire as attached on the following page. Please kindly provide us your precious comments and suggestions. We value them greatly as an opportunity of making improvement for the company and these will be the fundamental reference of the information disclosure in our ECOVE ESG report.
    The application of the survey is restricted to the materiality analysis in ESG reports. No private information is required. It would be really appreciate if you could convey honestly through the survey with your authentic self.
    If you have any question, please do not hesitate to ask. We are looking forward to receiving your reply or questions.
    Please contact us if you have any comments or questions regarding this questionnaire :
  • Management Division.
    886-2-162-1689 #56139
1. Please indicate your relation with ECOVE:
2. Do you know ECOVE publish CSR report annually?
3. Have you ever read ECOVE’s CSR report?
4. Please select your level of concern regarding issues listed below.
Topic Explanation Level of concern
concern slightly
Ethical Corporate Management Establishment of corporate anti-corruption, anti-discrimination, and confidentiality guidelines, related violations, and improvement measures
Sustainable Supply Chain Mamagement Sustainable supplier management practices, procurement channel and information transparency enhancement, collaborative efforts with suppliers to reduce impact, and local procurement
Power Generation Efficiency Improvement, upgrading, maintenance, monitoring of hardware equipment, risk assessment and preventive measures for shutdowns and outages, actions to enhance power generation efficiency
R&D of Innovational Technology and Service Enhancement of operational management experience and digital transformation; Waste cleanup technology consultation; Environmental protection and pollution control engineering construction; Equipment maintenance and sales agency; Incinerator improvement planning/design services; Development of new technologies for renewable energy/recycling and reuse applications.
Development of Renewable Energy Development strategy for renewable energy generation, short, medium, and long-term power generation goals, investment risks and opportunities.
Circular Economy Enhancing resource circularity efficiency, promoting recycling and value-added development, reducing resource consumption, and improving energy efficiency.
Pollution Prevention Types and impacts of pollutants, establishment of real-time emission monitoring systems, upgrades of control equipment, regular testing of pollutants, emission reduction practices and outcomes.
Green Operations and Lifestyles Energy and resource management measures and reduction results, office video conferencing and paperless operations, waste management and reduction.
Environmental Investment and Effects Expenditure and cost control of various environmental expenses, benefits of environmental investment on company operations, green procurement.
Green Transportation and Logistics Various environmentally friendly practices in transportation and shipping, such as energy-efficient vehicles, alternative fuels, driver training, route optimization, etc
Waste Management Monitoring of incoming waste quantity and waste source, disposal or resource utilization of bottom ash and fly ash, management strategies and reduction practices for hazardous substances, efficiency of chemical usage.
Climate Change Management Inventory and calculation of greenhouse gas emissions, carbon management, various carbon reduction practices, and emission reduction targets.
Occupational Safety and Health Implementation of occupational safety and health management through adopting a safety management system, prevention of occupational accidents and occupational diseases, accident investigations, emergency response measures, management in the post-covid era.
Employee benefit and welfare Employee benefits and compensation systems, working hours, leaves, stock option plans, health promotion.
Talent Attraction and Retention evaluations, compensation and reward systems, job rotation.
Human Rights and Employment Relations Formulation of human rights policies, implementation of human rights risk assessments/due diligence, and protection of labor-related rights and interests.
Career development and education Employee career development systems, training and education content, performance indicators, training effectiveness, on-the-job education, professional certification attainment.
Community Engagement and Social Charity Strategies for charity or community engagement, types of charitable activities, allocation of various resources, volunteer services, disaster relief assistance, external collaborations.
Promotion of Environmental Education Integrating Core Business with Environmental Trends to Enhance Environmental Knowledge among Employees, Communities, and Schools.
Participation in Public Infrastructure Development Advocating for Public Infrastructure Projects, Extending Core Technologies, Providing Public Facility Renewal, Upgrading, and Maintenance Services.
5. If you have any comment and suggestion, please kindly inform us in the box