
All resources around us count.
How efficiently we make use of them impacts our world today, and tomorrow.

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ECOVE Wins ROC Enterprise Environmental Protection Awards

With its “Every Resource Counts” spirit, ECOVE has demonstrated enhanced resource cycling efficiency for O&M services of Keelung and Tainan EfW Plant, and conducted environmental education combined with local characteristics. As such, it has been honored with the Silver Medal and Bronze Medal under ROC Enterprise Environmental Protection Award, for Keelung Plant and Tainan Plant respectively. The award is the highest honor for enterprise with superior environmental protection performance.

ECOVE Keelung Plant won the ROC Enterprise Environmental Protection Silver Award as a result of introducing the Bang&Clean technology to improve the boiler operation rate, actively reducing air pollutant emissions, implementing water-saving management, replacing energy-saving equipment, and carrying out waste heat recovery. In terms of corporate social responsibilities, Keelung Plant, which has been certified with environmental education facility title by EPA, promoted environmental education in the neighborhood, called on colleagues to donate books and second-hand clothing to help the needy, and actively participated in coastal cleanup activities.

In addition, ECOVE Tainan Plant, won the ROC Enterprise Environmental Protection bronze award. The key environmental protection initiatives of which in recent years include the environmental education, which is cooperated with nearby Taijiang National Park, the land crabs conservation cooperated with Tainan University, setting up solar photovoltaic facilities in the plant, reusing the boiler steam, and improving the resource cycling efficiency effectively.

ECOVE has long been dedicated to CSR. In the future, it will abidingly participate in governmental environmental policies and provide quality O&M services of Energy-from-Waste Plants to became the most reliable provider of industry-leading resource cycling services.