
All resources around us count.
How efficiently we make use of them impacts our world today, and tomorrow.



ECOVE Develops Intelligent Solutions Management System to Make Waste Treatment Cleaner, Safer & More Efficient

ECOVE leads in waste management, waste treatment, recycling, and reuse in the industry. In terms of waste treatment operations, ECOVE has developed a comprehensive transportation management system to keep track of personnel operations and the status of waste treatment at all times. The intelligent solutions management system can conduct real-time surveillance and analysis over vehicle locations, abnormal stops, historical paths, speed monitoring, as well as idle statistics. Thus, ECOVE has successfully enhanced the operational effectiveness of its fleet and significantly improved the performance of self-management.

On the other hand, in order to keep track of waste, the government has stipulated a phased regulation for all waste treatment companies to install real-time tracking system (GPS devices) on waste treatment vehicles on top of the online waste reporting system. The regulation allows the entire waste treatment process to be monitored, while the reporting data will be audited. Installation of the aforementioned system has been completed on all ECOVE vehicles.

Although the competent authorities have demonstrated a rigorous thinking and management measures towards the track of waste, and ECOVE has achieved and even surpassed all statutory requirements, the management practices are still lacking in regards of "treatment personnel" and "real-time vehicle status," which both play crucial roles during the transportation process. 

As a leading company in resource cycling industry, ECOVE has anticipated intelligent solutions treatment and clean transportation will be a hot issue depending on the trends and users needs. The following describe these development trends and possible actions to take:

Intelligent, Data-Driven Operational Systems Spring Up

Most waste treatment takes place on a mobile basis. Consequently, uncertainties exist in the treatment frequency, location, and timing, effective and timely management is challenging for waste management companies. 

Through its "comprehensive transportation management system” with data management functions, ECOVE effectively manages the feet in operation along with its driving status, treatment status, and treatment performance on the spot. With the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics, and 5G technology, the system can collect massive figures, build a big database, and achieve what we called “intelligent solutions management”. For instance, driving behavioral management monitoring (e.g. fatigue detection), fuel efficiency analysis, real-time traffic imaging (danger detection and route optimization) can all be integrated and managed through Intelligent Solutions, which increase transportation safety, improve management efficiency, and reduce operational costs.

Image 1: A functional framework of the "Comprehensive Transportation Management System".

Image 2 Operational interface of the "Comprehensive Transportation Management System".

Clean Energy Transportation Vehicles Come out

Over here, diesel vehicles purchased by waste treatment companies are main current in the industry. In response to climate change, the government has been actively advocating for "clean transportation". To fulfill corporate social responsibility (CSR) in practice, ECOVE has been gradually replacing old and worn-out vehicles to conform to government standards since the latest emission standards for diesel cars were announced in 2014. 

Even more rigorous emission standards are also expected to be announced shortly, in which the regulation standards for Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) will be increased by 45% (280 to 155 mg/km), and the standards for particulate matters (PM) will be increased by 10% (5 to 4.5 mg/km). It can be expected that diesel vehicles without specific self-management of diesel badge will be pulled over, and companies reluctant to invest in environmental protection equipment will be eliminated in the market.

A Company with Great Social Responsibilities

An overview of the trends in the waste treatment market indicates that, to seize waste treatment opportunities, it is essential to have data collection and Intelligent Solutions analytics skills and offer more customized services for the owners. In addition, since the owners are paying more attention to the corporate social responsibility (CSR), waste treatment companies also need to focus on accelerating the introduction of low-pollution and low energy-consumption waste treatment machinery.

For being the most reliable provider of industry-leading 'resource cycling' services, ECOVE has a concrete result of developing waste treatment intelligent solutions management system. To strengthen the safety during transportation processes, ECOVE also begins to evaluate the integration of vehicle management system. In response to clean transportation, ECOVE is purchasing low-pollution or zero-pollution transportation vehicles. Through doing more to protect the environment in day-to-day operations, ECOVE aspires to be trusted by all owners with its clean, safe, and highly efficient services in waste treatment and management.