
All resources around us count.
How efficiently we make use of them impacts our world today, and tomorrow.

Editor’s Words


Climate change is making ever greater impacts to the world. In response, issues of maximizing resources utilization efficacy, accelerating development of renewable energy, and reducing carbon emissions have become top concerns globally. In this e-newsletter, we illustrate how ECOVE constantly enhance technological integration, resource cycling efficiency by aligning our three major business areas of "waste management and EfW plants, renewable energy, and recycling and reuse” to provide clients with the most up-to-date technological services that fulfils circular economy and protects the Earth.

In the “Outlook” column, we will introduce ECOVE’s own “waste management information system” and “fleet management system” platforms that provide smart, one-stop service to customers by pioneering a new waste management practice from waste reception at the plant all the way to the disposal process. In this issue’s “Key Technology” column, we will share with you ECOVE’s O&M experience in Taoyuan International Airport EfW Plant, an energy-from-waste plant responsible for treating waste generated at the airport. With refined management and total technological solutions, ECOVE have greatly enhanced energy conservation performance and reduced carbon emissions. 

With over a decade of solid experiences in the solar energy industry, ECOVE is actively tapping into green energy development that will gradually replace traditional high carbon-intensive energy source like fossil fuels and achieving carbon neutrality. In the “Innovation” column, we will introduce to you ECOVE’s investment in large-scale ground-mounted solar power plants, which accelerate fulfilling the government's target in achieving 20GW of solar power by 2025.

Looking towards the future, ECOVE will continue being part of the efforts to realize environmental sustainability and become the most reliable provider of industry-leading “resource cycling” services.