Investor Relations

Corporate Governance

ECOVE’s corporate governance focuses on the following areas:

  • Protection of shareholders’ equity
  • Governance between affiliated companies
  • Independent directors
  • Functional committees
  • Prevention of conflicts of interest
  • Respecting the rights and interests of stakeholders
  • Strengthening information disclosure


Organization Chart Download

ECOVE 9th Term Board Independent Statement Overview

ECOVE 9th Term Board Independent Statement Overview Download

ECOVE Board of Directors

Board of Directors Download

Major Internal Policies

Rules Governing the Election of Directors Download
Rules Governing Procedure for Shareholders’Meetings Download
Articles of Incorporation Download

Board of Directors

  • Chairman –J. J. Liao (Rep. of CTCI Corporation)
  • Director – H.H. Tiao (Rep. of CTCI Corporation)
  • Director – Kuan-Shen Wang
  • Director – Ping Shen
  • Director – Yang-Ming Liu
  • Director – Eugene Chien
  • Independent Director – Shuh-Woei Yu
  • Independent Director – James Tsai
  • Independent Director – Shan-Shan Chou

Audit/Remuneration Committee

  • Independent Director – Shuh-Woei Yu(Chairman, Safety and Health Technology Center)
  • Independent Director – James Tsai (Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, National Chengchi University)
  • Independent Director – Shan-Shan Chou (General Secretary, Water Affairs Organization, Taiwan)

Shareholder Structure

Stakeholders’ Evaluation and Response

We have identified our stakeholders as our employees, shareholders and investors, customers, suppliers, communities and government units. Through various representatives, we investigate the views of different stakeholders. Holding an effective communications with stakeholders is a crucial requirement in upholding corporate social responsibility, and it has been one of the main priorities of our company. It is necessary to have dialogue with the identified stakeholders to understand their expectations and concerns while promote awareness and provide solutions to related topics.

Business Integrity and Policy

To ensure we operate in an open and honest situation, ECOVE has decided to make an annual report of our business situation by the end of each year to promote corporate integrity and policy. Lead by our executive management office, this result of the effort is reported during the 18th Board Meeting of the 6th Annual Report Meeting.

Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Targets

In response to energy conservation and carbon reduction, ECOVE promotes and takes actions based on the 5R concept (reduce, recycle/recover, repair, refuse and reuse). In 2016, our green activities had brought tremendous good results. We will continue the efforts in 2017 while introducing new efforts such as:

  • paperless operation in the office; reducing printed documents,
  • competition in energy conservation and resource saving; increasing participation and motivation,
  • initiate environment greening including tree planting.